Thermo Scientific Jouan Brand Centrifuges

KR22i - 208V 60Hz

Parts for KR22i - 208V 60Hz

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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 800-438-4851 to place your order.

25445041Switch, Microea$116.00
View26960001FAN, VENTILATOR, GR20.22ea$124.00
View26971286Screw, Overspeed Mountingea$6.00
View85220135HOUSING, COUPLING MOTORea$399.00
View85240464Extension For Tool 85240462, Only Needed for the 6 x 500 Rotorea$28.00
View85240771Seal, Overspeed PCBea$15.00
View85280084PCB KR22i MICRO V-2ea$1,100.92
View86000417THERMAL EXPAN. VALVE TEY2ea$153.15
View86001306BRIDGE-DIODE POWER-KR22Iea$307.00
View89000211Tool Kitea$842.35
View89000266PCB, Power 12V & 24Vdcea$479.00
View89000267PCB, LEDea$133.00
View89000275Locking Assemblyea$649.00
View89000276Lid Assemblyea$1,045.00
View89000419KIT-KR22I PWR PCB, V1- V2ea$1,941.80



This site contains the most frequently requested Thermo Scientific Laboratory Equipment replacement parts, including those for a number of discontinued products. If you don't find the part you need, please call us at 1.866.984.3766.
If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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