Thermo Scientific Jouan Brand Centrifuges

KR4.22 - 220V

Parts for KR4.22 - 220V

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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 800-438-4851 to place your order.

View20240482COMPRESSOR 230V, 50 HZea$3,150.00
View25164051HINGE MALE HALF-KR4.22ea$184.79
View25164052HINGE FEMALE HALF-KR4.22ea$185.82
25439013SEAL-MOTOR BOOT-KR422/4Iea$78.46
View25509607MOTOR KR422 208Vea$11,800.00
View25796058WASHER-ROTOR ATTACH-KR422ea$101.06
View26276005CIRCUIT BRKR KR422ea$986.00
View26298009SOLENOID 6 (CORPS)ea$352.02
View26300020SOLENOID LID LATCH KR422ea$437.00
View26683005BRIDGE SCR POWER LR5/KR4ea$668.94
View26683018BRIDGE RECTIFIER BKR KR42ea$87.03
View26695105RELAY MOTOR KR4.22ea$437.00
View26918106TRANSFORMER KR422 BRAKEea$84.00
View26962004GAS SPRING-SHOCK-400Nea$120.78
View50117584BLOWER MOTOR SEALea$138.00
View85220010KIT-LID INTERLOCK-KR422ea$1,430.00
View85280040PCB KR422 BRAKE CTRL V-2ea$743.00
View85280914KIT CARD SECU KR4/22ea$2,110.00
View85480066STRAP-GROUND-KR4 LIDea$5.00
View86000927BLADE-COND. FAN-KR422/4Iea$25.81
View86000928MOTOR-W/BRACKET-COND. FANea$306.60
View89002454KIT LID FIXAT P40/60/C60ea$658.00
View89002759CONTACTOR-3 POLEea$629.00



This site contains the most frequently requested Thermo Scientific Laboratory Equipment replacement parts, including those for a number of discontinued products. If you don't find the part you need, please call us at 1.866.984.3766.
If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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