Thermo Scientific Barnstead Brand Refrigerators


Parts for 13-986-136SA

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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 800-438-4851 to place your order.

View102892CONDENSER FAN SWITCHea$10.10
View104114optional chart recorder with alarm & relayea$2,050.00
View104115CHART RECRDR W/RELAY & ALRM-B-ea$1,310.00
View104433CONDENSATE PAN WICK (RPO)ea$8.50
View105449FAN BLADE, EVAPORATOR (RPO)ea$65.50
View105455CONDENSER FAN BLADEea$45.00
View105457CONDENSER FAN MOTORea$425.00
105979LAMP (FLUOR. 40W F40SP65RS)ea$199.00
View106769DOOR HINGE BUSHINGea$22.70
106783RIGHT DOOR W/ LOCKea$1,332.20
View107108LEVELING LEGea$27.50
107354TOP TRACK ASSEMBLYea$550.00
ViewRF1804X1246" Pen Armea$75.00
RF1804X160Door Keyea$51.00
RF1804X187CASTERS FOR MT45-W-02-87ea$346.00
RF1804X212Grille for MT45-W-02-87ea$350.00
ViewRF1804X215DOOR LOCK FOR MT45-W-02-87ea$183.84
RF1804X247right hand door for MT45-2-02-87ea$929.04
ViewRF1804X254pen arm for Cobex Recorders C952 & C953ea$82.00
ViewRF1804X264Screw for door handleea$4.00



This site contains the most frequently requested Thermo Scientific Laboratory Equipment replacement parts, including those for a number of discontinued products. If you don't find the part you need, please call us at 1.866.984.3766.
If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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