Thermo Scientific Barnstead Brand Water Purification Systems

GenPure w/xCAD+ Bench UF - 50136150

Parts for GenPure w/xCAD+ Bench UF - 50136150

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09.1003Sterile filter capsule, 0.2µm (option)ea$318.00
View09.2002Replacement UV-lampea$585.00
View09.2005Filter cartridgeea$1,010.00
View15.0019Check valveea$155.00
View15.0062Solenoid valveea$186.00
View15.0101Solenoid valveea$467.00
15.0130Check valve DN 8ea$7.00
View16.0375Extension cable SUB-D, 25 pin, GenPure/dispenserea$8.00
16.0378Extension cable SUB-D, 9-pin, xCAD / Printerea$135.00
View16.0389Leakage Sensorea$227.00
View16.0408Interface Boardea$1,930.00
View16.0409Server - CPU Board with Displayea$1,560.00
View16.0410Client - CPU Board with Displayea$1,560.00
View21.0152Set Screw, M3x16 Hexagonea$5.00
View50133992Cell, Pure Water Measuring. TOC & UltraPureea$691.00
View50134184Table Top Power Packea$608.00
50134191G fuse, 5 x 20 mm, 2.0 A, fast activeea$5.00
50137055SPARE FUSE HOLDER (5X20MM)ea$109.68
50147926PUMP WITH EMI ASSY. (Puricom Pump)ea$697.00
50149262BOOST PUMP, AQUATEC. Use only when replacing an existing Aquatec Pump. For Smart2Pure 12 Series - starting with serial # 42103924 (boost pump only); For GenPure Series - starting with serial # 41999578; Used as boost pump for Smart2Pure Proea$414.00
50149597Power Pack 24V PWR SUPea$242.00
50152203Recirculation Pump Retrofit Kit. Use only when upgrading from a UP8000 pump to an Aquatec pump. Used on serial numbers below: 41999578ea$1,070.00



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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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