Thermo Scientific Barnstead Brand Ovens


Parts for PR305065G

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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 800-438-4851 to place your order.

ViewCRX121Line Cord and Plugea$22.68
DR2032X8Door Assemblyea$1,160.00
ViewFAX39Cooling Fanea$117.00
ViewPCX132PCB 700SER OVEN CNTRL 120/240Vea$431.00



This site contains the most frequently requested Thermo Scientific Laboratory Equipment replacement parts, including those for a number of discontinued products. If you don't find the part you need, please call us at 1.866.984.3766.
If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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