Thermo Scientific Barnstead Brand Stirrers and Hotplates


Parts for SP46925

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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 800-438-4851 to place your order.

ViewCNX60CONTROL 120 15 ROBERTSHAWea$97.70
CR177X1CORD 16-3 HSJO 120 15A 86 TERMea$77.90
ViewEL694X1ELEMENT 7X7 120Vea$54.80
ViewKB1072X1AKnob, Heat Controlea$11.40
ViewKB1072X2AKNOB STIR W/SPRNG CLP RPO 4/09ea$17.40
ViewMTX98MOTOR 120V .25SF 3344 RPMea$114.00
ViewPLX108Pilot light, 100/120Vea$7.10
ViewPLX98LAMP, Neonea$11.80
ViewRS1069X1ARheostat, 120Vea$109.00



This site contains the most frequently requested Thermo Scientific Laboratory Equipment replacement parts, including those for a number of discontinued products. If you don't find the part you need, please call us at 1.866.984.3766.
If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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