Thermo Scientific Brand Shakers

iEMS Incubator Shaker HT

Parts for iEMS Incubator Shaker HT

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If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 800-438-4851 to place your order.

View1023590IHBAs PROTECTORea$627.38
View1023600FRONT PANEL, THERMOMIXea$171.45
View1092090TOOTH BELT 2.5/660 6 mmea$154.00
View1126720ECCENTRIC, iEMS INCUBATORea$133.35
1210940FUSE 3A SLOW 5 20, FLUOROSKANea$13.97
View1224400THERMAL CONTACT PINea$17.10
View2002840KEYBOARD ASSEMBLYea$1,508.00
View2002960IHLE-01 PCBea$491.00
View2002970PCB IHBA-01ea$1,212.00
View2004220PCB, IEMS INCUBATOR SHAKERea$2,770.00
View2102330Free wheel assemblyea$660.00
View2102340DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLYea$235.00
View2102350SHAKER MOTOR ASSEMBLYea$787.00
2102870iEMS HT SHAKER ASSEMBLYea$9,500.00
View2103900FAN ASSEMBLY, MULTISKANea$227.00
View2305380LCD UNIT + CABLE ASSYea$542.29
View2820710IC D4 NVRAM-BATTERY FOR IHCUea$304.80
ViewN08187Top cover, blueea$450.85



This site contains the most frequently requested Thermo Scientific Laboratory Equipment replacement parts, including those for a number of discontinued products. If you don't find the part you need, please call us at 1.866.984.3766.
If this order is for an out of service unit, please call Service Support at 1-800-438-4851 to place your order.

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